At the beginning of this round, the top two highest scoring players become the players, and everyone else becomes the voters. If there's a tie for second place, the player who entered their Acro faster in the previous Composition Round gets the spot.
The two players will now play three fast Composition Rounds, where they have only 20 seconds to create an Acro. The category is always General Acrophobia. Your skills from all those hours of playing will definitely help you here!
Once an Acro has been submitted from both players, the voters will decide which one they like more. To vote for one of the Acros, click on the blue box next to it. This will then repeat two more times, and the player who gets the most votes at the end of the three rounds wins the game! The Face-Off round's results will then be revealed, and a new Acrophobia game will start in 20 seconds.
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