(Note: This was archived from the original site. It was not written by me.)

One of the most difficult rounds of Acrophobia is the fifth round, the Seven Letter Round. This round has seven Acro bonus points so round totals of 10 to 15 are not unheard of; scoring well here can either put you in the final two or catch you up very quickly.

There are several things you can do to make your answer better than the rest.

Tackling the Seven Letter Acro

  • Remember that speed points mean comparatively little in a round this large. Don't hurry, take the full minute if necessary.
  • Also, grab the first two letters and make an answer for just those two. For instance, a person's name, a place, or whatever. A good example would be:

DRAOIRS (Dennis Rodman agitates often; impressive rebounding skills!)

  • Remember it's much easier to start an answer with a noun when all else fails. More advanced players can look for two or three letter combinations inside the Acro and build your answer around that. Once again:

DRAOIRS (Decidedly responsive? America Online is rarely so.)

  • Acros this long are best suited to the "Question? Answer." form, as you see in the example above. Dropping in a two-part answer in the form of "First thought; second thought." also works well, as seen in the first example. Because the Acro is so long, the "noun: list" format does not work very well.
  • One final note: These Acros are hard enough without adding a category. If you win the six-letter round, unless you are great at a particular category, go for "General Acrophobia."

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