The chat box isn't just for chatting. It has some special commands you can use to save time... or just for fun!

Power User Features

  • /ignore
    Ignoring someone will make both their public and private messages disappear from your view until you close the game, or you un-ignore them. Please note that even when someone is ignored, you'll still see any Acros they submit.

Example: To ignore the player "Cookie" type "/ignore Cookie".
If they're ignored, to un-ignore them type "/ignore Cookie" again.

  • /complain
    In versions of Acrophobia higher than 84, this command will send a report of the specified player to the Bezerk Revived team. (You can also do this by pressing ESC, then clicking the Problem Player button.)

Example: To complain about the player "Cookie" for "Breaking the Rules", type "/complain Cookie Breaking the Rules".

  • /msg
    This command will let you send a private message to someone. Only you and the recipient will see it.

Example: To send a private message to the player "Cookie" with the contents "Don't share the secret!", type "/msg Cookie Don't share the secret!".
If your username was Schmitty, for example, the player "Cookie" would see "<Schmitty>: Don't share the secret!" coloured red in the chatbox.

  • /me
    Actions can be used to emote in a different way than just using smiley faces (and such). This command lets you perform them.

Example: To perform the action "sighs", type "/me sighs".
If your username was Cookie, for example, typing it would show "** Cookie sighs" in the chatbox.

  • /stat
    This command sends information about the current game to your chatbox. Only you will see the information.


  • /log
    When you enter this command, certain messages from that point are logged into a file located in the game's directory called "AcroLog.log". Public messages, private messages that you receive, and information shown via the /stat command are logged.

There are four ways to use the /log command.

/log on Turns logging on.
/log off Turns logging off.
/log toggle If logging is off, it turns on. If it's on, it turns off.
/log Same effect as /log toggle.
  • /save
    If logging is off, this command will save anything loggable into the "AcroLog.log" file.

Bezerk Revived is not associated or affiliated with Sierra.