The Voting Round is where you'll find out if others liked your Acro. Once the Voting Round starts, everyone's Acros will be shown. However, their creator's names won't appear, and they'll all be shuffled up, so you won't be able to tell who wrote which Acro. Everyone has at least 20 seconds to vote for their favourite Acro. To vote for your favourite, click on the numbered box next to it. And before you ask, no. You can't vote for yourself. In case you somehow forgot what your Acro was, it will be coloured green, so you can give your memory a bit of a break.

Once the voting time is up, the names of the Acro creators are revealed, and the points are calculated. You get one point per person that votes for your Acro. The player who got the most votes gets the Acro Bonus, which is one point per letter in the acronym. The Speed Bonus mentioned earlier also gets handed out here. Everyone who votes for the winning Acro also gets a Voters Bonus Point. If there's a tie for first place, the person who entered fastest gets the bonus. And make sure you DO vote, because if you don't, then you'll lose all of the points that you would have gained this round!

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