Did you know that under the hood, Acrophobia uses IRC for its server communications? I bet some of you are just got your mind blown by that fact, and everyone else is just looking at me confused. For that second group, let me explain what IRC is. It's pretty much just an old way people on the internet can use to chat, and it used to be quite popular. Yeah, that's basically the short version... but wait! Here's something a lot more interesting... do you know what Discord is? Of course you do. Well... Discord was actually kind of inspired by IRC. What, you don't believe me? Okay then. Have you ever wondered why Discord text channels can't have spaces in them? Well, guess what. That's taken from IRC. Yeah. So, I guess in a way, this game's DNA lives on in Discord! ...Okay, never mind, that sounded stupid. I'm not even gonna lie, this game being powered by IRC is one of the reasons why this revival took so long to get done. Although... if the game's server was any more advanced than that, then you wouldn't even be reading this right now. So yeah, thanks for that, Berkeley Systems!
The moral of the story: Don't mess with games that use IRC for their servers in some way, cause they will fight back. Hard. (Although, it might just be my luck...)
Do something positive with your life. Don't be like me. Don't revive old dead online games that only like... 5 people care about anymore.
Bezerk Revived is not associated or affiliated with Sierra.