How To Make an Acrophobia Fan Page
by Thandrie Davis
(Originally published 18th December, 1997)

There is no higher honor a player can give to the game of Acrophobia (or to our company) than to create a fan Web page. We've already received many fan page URLs and are very excited about the overwhelming fan support. Head on over to the Acrophobes Web page later to check out the latest fan pages! If you would like to create a fan page, there are a few guidelines we ask that you follow. We also have a couple of suggestions to make your page one that people will come back to over and over again.

To make your page unique, do something different! Don't get me wrong, we love pages that say "We Love Acrophobia!" but if you have a special hook, it will make people visit your page more often.

There are some pages that devote themselves to a particular user room. For instance, the Cloud 9 site talks about the players that frequent the Cloud 9 room. People have even included icons that describe who they are -- but be careful not to infringe on someone else's copyright.

A user by the name of Codymaxx created a game variant called Mirrors. In this twist, you write an Acro forwards and backwards. Codymaxx also makes a few realizations about when you've been playing Acrophobia too long.

As soon as your page is getting somewhere, send us an email. We'll take a look at it, and if it fits our guidelines (see below), we'll put up a link on our Acrophobes page.

I also suggest submitting your URL to search engines like Yahoo, Excite, or Infoseek.

We don't have a problem if you borrow our images for your site, so long as they remain unchanged. We've prepared a collection of files you may use on your Web page. Please include the following legal mumbo jumbo on each of your pages that contains one of our images.

Acrophobia is a service mark of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The content on this site was created by an individual independent of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The views expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of Berkeley Systems, Inc.

You may also want to create your own images from scratch! A good example of an original logo is located at the fan web site AAAA.

If you would like us to link to your fan site, please follow these simple guidelines:

Bezerk Revived is not associated or affiliated with Sierra.