The Acrophobia Game Rules

(Last updated 1st January, 2025)

In order to download and play Acrophobia, you must accept these game rules. If you don't want to, then give up all hope of ever playing :)

1. Accepting these rules

When you click the I Agree button below, you agree that you must follow these rules whenever you're playing Acrophobia on Bezerk Revived (And not on anything else, since this game's officially been dead since 2006... you're stuck with us). I can't force you to accept them legally, since Bezerk Revived isn't a company, and I'm not making any money on this project (In fact, I'm actively LOSING money running the servers), so you're basically on the honour code to follow them. Don't think you can just get away with anything, though... there are punishments for breaking the rules. More on that later.

2. Account creation

When you create an account with Bezerk Revived, the information that you provide is sent to us, and is available for us to view. Now, before you shout at me, not everything that you enter on the registration form is actually saved. The only things that are saved is your Username, Password (Don't worry, it's not in plain text), and your age (To see if you can enter Adult Language rooms). For everything else, you can just enter any fake information (That the game lets you). In fact, I highly encourage it. The reason you need to enter all of that information in the first place is because the original Bezerk service offered prizes that you could have won, including physical items, and even CASH! However, that isn't the case with Bezerk Revived, so just use fake info (I'm already losing money running the servers, do you think I could afford to give out prizes!?). Now, some of you may not believe me about the information that we do store, but you're just going to have to. I'm not trying to steal all of your information (Besides, other companies already do that job, way better than I could ever do).

3. Information logging

On the subject of information... I should let you know that ALL acronyms entered, and messages typed in the chat box are logged. This is to make sure people aren't being too bad. If you type enough bad words that are on the Acrobot's filter, you'll automatically be banned. On versions of Acrophobia higher than 84, players can also use the Problem Player function. If enough people say that you're being bad, I'll look into your case, and if you were actually doing something wrong, you'll get banned.

4. Hateful messages and cheating

This game was made in the late 90's, and as a consequence of that, some of the nasty language you may see in use today wasn't applied to the official filter included in the game. So that's why the Acrobot has it's own filter. As I said in section 3, if you say too many bad things, you'll be banned. Cheating also can get you banned, though that isn't as common, since it's quite hard to cheat at a game like this, which requires total creativity. However, if it gets too bad, bans will still be issued.

5. Bans and appeals

It's probably obvious, but I should say that we have complete control over what we consider bannable. Don't worry though, we won't abuse our powers (Hopefully). In order to appeal a ban, you must join the Discord server linked on the main Bezerk Revived page, and DM SecondSight (AKA the one who's writing these rules). Explain yourself, and you may or may not be unbanned.

6. fin

That's it! Now go out and face your fears! (Unless you disagree with these rules, of course... but that wouldn't be very nice of you.) By the way, if you have any way that these rules or Acrobot's filter could be improved, then message SecondSight on the Discord.